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The Comany Holds The Conference To Celebrate The 102nd Anniversary Of The Founding Of the CPC And The Pledge Meeting For New Party Members

On July 1, 2023, the comany held the conference to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPC and the pledge meeting for new party members. Comrade Dai Baixiong , secretary of the party committee of the company, comrade Wu Yong, Gong Ting and Zhang Jianguang, members of party committee, newly developed and old party members, and reserve party members and party activists participated in the celebration.

The meeting began in the grand national anthem, then the meeting held the ceremony that the newly developed party members took an oath to join the CPC and old party members relived the oath of joining the party. Then the representative of new party members, comrade Yu Lei, and the representative of old party members, comrade Huang Fuchao, spoke on the stage. Finally, comrade Dai Baixiong, secretary of the Party Committee of the company, made an important speech.

Secretary Dai Baixiong pointed out that “party member” is not only a title, but a kind of responsibility. Party members and cadres should always keep their party membership in mind, fulfill the obligations of party members, and strengthen their ideals and beliefs. They should give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, unite and lead the employees to forge ahead, be practical and work hard. These members should deal with the uncertainty of various environments with the certainty of hard work, and enhance the ability of the company to survive, profit, and compete in market with more sweat, lower cost, higher efficiency than competitors, then creat a new height of innovation and development of the enterprise.

Secretray Dai Baixiong stressed that all branches should regularly carry out various forms of party building activities, stimulate the passion of all staffs to start businesses, meet various challenges with high spirits, gather strength, go on struggling, and strive to achieve the grand goal of building Benxing into a world-class enterprise. All party members and cadres should cheer up the spirit, do solid work and forge ahead bravely, further reinforce their confidence, support the core and work together, and show the unique style of members of Communist Party of China in the new era in practical ways.

The heart of a hundred years passes down from generation to generation. The glorious journey of the Communist Party of China for 102 years is a magnificent historical picture and a long epic song that inspires people to forge ahead.

The meeting was presided over by comrade Li Kezhi, the deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the company. Party members of the company of the inner Mongolia participated in the meeting by video.

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