Differentiated advantages help to achieve harmony, win-win and coordinated development


Nano silicon powder is a new generation of optoelectronic, semiconductor and new energy materials. When used in silicon carbon anode materials, it can increase the capacity of lithium battery anode materials by more than 3 times, and at the same time has excellent fast charging performance; used in high temperature resistant coatings On the layer and refractory material,it can improve the temperature resistance of the material; when applied on the nano-silicon powder coating, it can form a silicon nano film, which is widely used in solar photovoltaic modules.


Nano-silicon powder produced by chemical reduction method has small particle size and high consistency, which greatly exceeds the uniformity of nano-silicon by ball-milling method. Chemical nano-silicon has the characteristics of high purity,small particle size, uniform distribution, large specific surface, high surface activity, and low bulk density.





Brown Powder

Product Partical Size(D50)


Silicon Content%


Bulk Density
